Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NOM NOM NOM:  You know what really keeps me up at night?  After FOUR MOAR YEARS of this wandering further down the road to complete economic collapse--after the higher taxes, spending cuts, and mounting regulations drive more businesses and out, increasing the unemployment rate and decreasing the tax base--Paul motherfucking Krugman or some such jackanapes will drop a steaming turd in the NYT about how obviously the problem is those Republicans and their hostage taking.  The hostage they are taking, by the way, is their refusal to literally sign your firstborn over to the government for purposes of paying down the debt.  The Republicans mainly just want to sell off your children's labor, but you get to keep the kids with you.  I say this not because I am a Republican--I am most assuredly not--but because the left, especially the left that dominates the media (and I include here that milquetoast of all milquetoasts, Mr. New Civility himself, David Brooks) seems to have an absolute inability to see beyond their ideology, to recognize what's going on and where their policies lead.  No matter how piss-poor California is doing because of these fabulous blue policies--or Chicago or New York or any deep blue place--they want MOAR of the same shit that got them there in the first place.  Moar unions!  Moar pensions!  Moar welfare!  Moar free birth control!  MOAR MOAR MOAR!  They can't apparently conceive of being wrong, regardless of what evidence reality throws in their faces, and they will keep wanting MOAR until it's all gone.  One thinks of Cthulhu, only these people have better stylists.

Or maybe aliens will invade and Krugman will finally have his wet dream come true.

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