Monday, December 10, 2012
LAID BACK: Ouch. What's that saying? Panem et...? Something. It will probably come to me after my upcoming 3-week vacation to Hawaii. If this is how it's going to be, then by God, I want in on the circus.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
LOW SELF-ESTEEM: Reading through the comments here, I am struck by how fucking pathetic these guys are. Apparently they are going to structure their entire lives around the fear that a woman will hurt them (naturally, it is implied that she will hurt them for reasons entirely out of their hands--she is a lying bitch, manipulative, a victim of a postmodern feminist false consciousness, whatever. Two-thirds or thereabouts of divorces are filed by women; this does not mean that two-thirds of married men have done nothing whatsoever wrong. I do tend to agree that women are more likely than men to get dissatisfied for stupid-ass reasons, but men are not always the angels these guys seem to think they are).
And, sorry, Dr. Helen, but you do allow plenty of misogyny in your comments threads. It's one thing to say that some women are lying bitches; it's another to say outright (as several of your commenters have) that all women are liars, probable adulterers, lacking in intelligence and moral fiber, and so forth. Some women are undoubtedly all of the above. So, interestingly, are some men. But some of us, at least, are not. I can't really think what else you would call the statement "all women are lying bitches" other than misogyny? That's pretty much the definition right there.
Then again, you appear to be married to a man who accepts this stupid "alpha" and "game" bullshit, so I am guessing that YMMV.
And, sorry, Dr. Helen, but you do allow plenty of misogyny in your comments threads. It's one thing to say that some women are lying bitches; it's another to say outright (as several of your commenters have) that all women are liars, probable adulterers, lacking in intelligence and moral fiber, and so forth. Some women are undoubtedly all of the above. So, interestingly, are some men. But some of us, at least, are not. I can't really think what else you would call the statement "all women are lying bitches" other than misogyny? That's pretty much the definition right there.
Then again, you appear to be married to a man who accepts this stupid "alpha" and "game" bullshit, so I am guessing that YMMV.
THIS IS BULLSHIT: Notice the way he has to go to Kentucky to find his story. Kentucky votes mostly red, so the inference NYT readers will make is that this is something those terrible backwater, redneck hillbillies do. Sorry, but no. Kristof could have easily looked at a population in any major city to find the same problems. Ahh, but urban leeches vote blue, so we don't want to blame them, right, Nick? Better to showcase this problem with people your readers already hate.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
SELF-INFLICTED DOOM: I am so glad to see these guys let the scientists know that we are not pleased with the way science is refusing to confirm what we already believe. How dare those CDC fucks anyway? Don't they know who pays their bills? Fuck. I can't wait for IPAB. I'm sure that's going to be super special. But, hey, it is really hard to decide which will be more fun: economic collapse or the triumphant return of vaccine-controlled diseases. My guess is we'll get both at once, because, yeah, we are that fucking stupid.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
MIND READER ALERT: OMG! How did he know? I guess that's why "bulk ammo" is trending as a Google search, because we are all stocking up before we convince our leaders to come and take it all away.
FAILING WHEN WE WIN: OK, so I didn't realize there was an organized "war on the young"--more of an undeclared kinetic military action, perhaps. But, yeah, it's not one we want to win. And, I'll say it, we ideally want those kids to be born into stable, married couples (and, it should go without saying, the biological parents being married to each other whenever possible). The undeclared war on marriage is also a war on the young.
SURE HONEY: Yeah, and I'm sure the reported increase in drugs is just to enhance this huge self-esteem and spirituality. And having your first sexual encounter at 15, too, is almost assuredly a sign that you totally know what you're doing with your life. That's the ticket.
I am a woman with a perhaps overly large amount of self-esteem, and somehow I do not feel compelled to show the world my vagina. I'm sure there are women porn stars with healthy self-esteem, but a) actually, the world does not take you very seriously if you have sex for a living, rightly or wrongly, and b) showing a lot of skin (except perhaps in practicing nudists) in general usually indicates that the person in question doesn't know any other way to get attention from the opposite sex. They may have enough self-esteem to think that they're hot enough to show the skin--but not enough to believe that someone would love or want to fuck them if they weren't showing their privates. Me, I love to fuck and fuck and fuck--but I also want to know that a guy wants to fuck me before he sees my vagina. If you're lucky enough to get that far, seeing me naked, then, is kind of the payoff, not the foreplay.
I am a woman with a perhaps overly large amount of self-esteem, and somehow I do not feel compelled to show the world my vagina. I'm sure there are women porn stars with healthy self-esteem, but a) actually, the world does not take you very seriously if you have sex for a living, rightly or wrongly, and b) showing a lot of skin (except perhaps in practicing nudists) in general usually indicates that the person in question doesn't know any other way to get attention from the opposite sex. They may have enough self-esteem to think that they're hot enough to show the skin--but not enough to believe that someone would love or want to fuck them if they weren't showing their privates. Me, I love to fuck and fuck and fuck--but I also want to know that a guy wants to fuck me before he sees my vagina. If you're lucky enough to get that far, seeing me naked, then, is kind of the payoff, not the foreplay.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
ME TOO: I, too, find myself shocked! that the president is not offering a balanced approach. I mean, he offered such a detailed plan during the campaign, and he has over the past four years shown such a deep and unflappable commitment to fiscal responsibility. Fuck these fuckers. They did everything they could to shill for the man. Let them burn. The world will be a better place after our post-partisan, post-racial president. After it's burned.
GOOD IDEA!: Oh, yeah, this is sure to get the economy humming again. Sweet fucking Jesus. I'll bet we could produce the exact same amount of revenue by just lighting a bunch of pundits on fire and collecting the fucking life insurance. WIN WIN!
SURPRISE!: I didn't even have to look to know that this jackass is a Democrat. Sure, take away the free speech rights of groups of people--but let's recognize for a moment that there is nothing particularly special about corporations as opposed to any other group of people. Charities are incorporated. So are unions. So, as long as we're keeping things equal, then please, for the love of Christ, take away the free speech rights of PETA.
THANK GOD: I thought I was never going to get a chance to tuck into my supply of freeze-dried butter.
TRY HARDER, ILLINOIS: I wasn't expecting Rhode Island, but nothing else here is news. The bluer a state gets, the more it fails. Thank god for the boring fucking flyover states.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE DUMBER: This has to be some kind of joke, right? Nobody is seriously sympathetic with the North Korean government. Right? RIGHT? It's one thing to be sympathetic with the citizens of North Korea, but, OK, there really are people this stupid. You want to live under that kind of system, be my guest, asshole--just do it somewhere else.
OH, TYLER, NO: Tyler, honey, what have you done to your hair? And, also, this statement is asinine. Equality is definitely not what defines us as Americans. At least, it wasn't. There used to be this thing called "liberty." I know it's been a while since anyone really cared about that, but some of us are old-fashioned, see.
ADDED: It's even more asinine considering that if "equality" is the goal, then we don't need to do anything. Gays have a precisely equal right to marry someone of the opposite sex right now. There is no disparity. And since no one has absolute liberty to marry anyone they may wish (typically, one may not marry more than one partner, a first cousin, someone under the age of consent, etc.), then the burden of having to either marry someone who does not precisely match one's sexual desire or not marry at all is quite equal to the burden many heterosexuals already face. I am married, and I believe that marriage is one of the most important cornerstones of civilization, but what the fuck? Society is going to hell rather quickly these days, so let's just burn the motherfucker down. The hotter it burns, the better for the marshmallows, you know.
ADDED: It's even more asinine considering that if "equality" is the goal, then we don't need to do anything. Gays have a precisely equal right to marry someone of the opposite sex right now. There is no disparity. And since no one has absolute liberty to marry anyone they may wish (typically, one may not marry more than one partner, a first cousin, someone under the age of consent, etc.), then the burden of having to either marry someone who does not precisely match one's sexual desire or not marry at all is quite equal to the burden many heterosexuals already face. I am married, and I believe that marriage is one of the most important cornerstones of civilization, but what the fuck? Society is going to hell rather quickly these days, so let's just burn the motherfucker down. The hotter it burns, the better for the marshmallows, you know.
Monday, November 26, 2012
I am currently attempting to wince my way through a film entitled "Gang Tapes." It is supposed to be very realistic and yet also has been said to "humanize" gang members and refute "social Darwinist" views of our urban underclass. Yeah, fuck that. I'd say it's a stronger argument for Jim Crow laws than an argument against social Darwinism.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
OH STFU ALREADY: I swear to god the fucking Beatles are dying off in order of talent. Given this kind of crap, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ringo is the next to go. More to the point, this fucking country was founded on cruelty--indeed, all of human existence historically relied on heaping helpings of cruelty--so I will eat my fucking turkey and enjoy it, you communist rat.
Well, let's face it: This isn't only about the national debt, although that is not exactly insignificant. Americans also carry super huge levels of personal debt, which has lately increased because Americans are apparently dumbfucks who can't learn anything. Take a bunch of people who are low-skilled, fairly poorly educated, heavily in debt, committed to a lifestyle that routinely costs more than they earn, then fucking lay a bunch of them off (Twinkie, anyone?) while also jacking up tax rates. If I owned a business, I doubt I'd be doing a lot of capital investment right now either. The smart business leaders are probably just buying up palladium or something.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
This country has survived a lot of racism, but it may yet be undone by the use of baseless accusations of racism to avoid responsibility.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
YOU AND YOUR FRAGILE ENVIRONMENT: There is a lot of truth in this. We have a lot of federal land out here where I live, and I constantly wonder why federal bureaucrats 1500 miles away make rules to govern land they have probably never seen or even really considered in much detail. And I think Sandy has demonstrated quite well that urbanites do very poorly when any of those things they take for granted suddenly become a struggle.
Friday, November 16, 2012
A few more thoughts on secession and a lack of imagination.
Let's pretend for a moment that, truly, all the Blue Areas and all the Red Areas separated from each other, as was once eloquently proposed by Seattle's bastion of tolerance and reason, The Stranger, in the seminal essay, "Urban Archipelago." Look at the map and think about it for a second. Let's assume away the national debt and the state debts for a minute--although those are not small issues, but that would be complicated to resolve, and I suspect the full power of our nation's cadre of wonks would have to be deployed to really work it out. Let's assume, though, that otherwise the land that goes with red voters would be turned into Red-land and have the revenues and debts associated with those localities, and the tiny urbanized patches of Blue-istan would have the land, debts, and revenues currently associated with them. Let's assume, also, for the sake of simplicity that the assets (e.g., roads, buildings, railroads, etc.) on those lands would continue to exist, more or less as they currently do.
Red-land would contain virtually all public lands now administered by various departments including the BLM and US Forest Service. It would also house the vast majority of accessible natural resources, including nigh inconceivable quantities of natural gas and oil, along with a well-managed timber supply. It would contain virtually all of America's bounteous farmland, from the apple orchards of Washington State to the ranchlands of Texas and the rice paddies of the South. It contains most of the nation's military installations, including missile silos in Montana and the Dakotas. Additionally, of course, most of the US Armed Forces comes from these red areas. There is a low level of public debt in these areas as well.
Consider for a moment Blue-istan. There are high levels of public debt in these areas. These levels of public debt have already forced some blue cities in California into bankruptcy. There is a high concentration of very well educated people doing creative things; there is also a high concentration of criminals and the urban poor, both groups (and let's not pretend that there isn't a good deal of overlap there) living primarily off the wealth produced by the aforementioned highly educated people doing creative things. Obviously, the centers of finance and corporate headquarters are centered in these areas, as are the federal bureaucracies and so forth.
It is obvious that both new nations would have something to offer the other, assuming trade agreements could be made. Red-land would allow overland shipping through our flyover shitholes to continue. Blue-istan would need food, energy, and other resources that Red-land has in spades. Red-land, for its part, would probably continue to want iPods and Hollywood films. Banks and other financial services might continue to be headquartered in Blue-istan, too, although I would guess that Red-land would eventually develop its own such centers.
Blue-istan, having lost most of the military to Red-land (assuming most soldiers would side primarily with their home states, which in most cases is where their families are) and having little tradition of soldiering, would have little means of defense. Having relatively large numbers of welfare recipients who are accustomed to relatively generous benefits, urbanized Blue-istan would likely be forced to tax the wealthy elites at increasingly high rates, along with corporate profits and capital gains. Or perhaps joining the military could be a new form of workfare.
Meanwhile, one assumes that since the denizens of Red-land favor low taxes and less business regulation (in general), those conditions would hold, even as Blue-istan increased regulations (such as environmental regulations) along with taxes. Let's assume that most wealthy Blue individuals would be patriotic enough to Blue-istan and true enough to their espoused ideals that they wouldn't flee to lower tax areas; we still can't assume that they wouldn't move their wealth to lower tax Red-land since we see this happen all the time (even Bono, in turns out, moves his no doubt vast wealth to lower-tax areas). Corporations and banks, on the other hand, typically feel no such patriotism and would be likely to relocate so long as they felt assured that Red-land was basically stable. So, some of that particular balance of power would be likely to shift, but perhaps not all.
And Blue-istan's bureaucrats, you ask? At the federal level, you could expect some of them to become unemployed, since the federal departments they work for would have fewer states to regulate to the pain. You can probably also expect that the FBI, CIA, and State Department--not to mention the Homeland Security fuckwits--would continue with their plan to reduce liberty on earth to undetectable quantities, especially now that those Rethuglican terrorists were their own country. Meanwhile, the EPA and FDA and other such agencies would likely continue to regulate in their fashion, making it difficult to do business in Blue-istan.
Which would likely result in yet more businesses moving to Red-land.
And on it would go.
Look, Blue Man Group, I know you think that because you have high concentrations of wealth and people currently, that this is stupid on the part of the Red Herrings. However, you also have a very high concentration of persistent problems and little in the way of necessary resources. The recent hurricane Sandy has thrown into alarmingly sharp relief just how fragile your environment is and how poor your survival skills are. I had always thought that the ability to harness the power of fire was one of the primary things that made us human, as opposed to just another species of primate, but apparently many New Yorkers have forgotten that primitive skill and would rather bitch until someone brings them a blanket.
Let's pretend for a moment that, truly, all the Blue Areas and all the Red Areas separated from each other, as was once eloquently proposed by Seattle's bastion of tolerance and reason, The Stranger, in the seminal essay, "Urban Archipelago." Look at the map and think about it for a second. Let's assume away the national debt and the state debts for a minute--although those are not small issues, but that would be complicated to resolve, and I suspect the full power of our nation's cadre of wonks would have to be deployed to really work it out. Let's assume, though, that otherwise the land that goes with red voters would be turned into Red-land and have the revenues and debts associated with those localities, and the tiny urbanized patches of Blue-istan would have the land, debts, and revenues currently associated with them. Let's assume, also, for the sake of simplicity that the assets (e.g., roads, buildings, railroads, etc.) on those lands would continue to exist, more or less as they currently do.
Red-land would contain virtually all public lands now administered by various departments including the BLM and US Forest Service. It would also house the vast majority of accessible natural resources, including nigh inconceivable quantities of natural gas and oil, along with a well-managed timber supply. It would contain virtually all of America's bounteous farmland, from the apple orchards of Washington State to the ranchlands of Texas and the rice paddies of the South. It contains most of the nation's military installations, including missile silos in Montana and the Dakotas. Additionally, of course, most of the US Armed Forces comes from these red areas. There is a low level of public debt in these areas as well.
Consider for a moment Blue-istan. There are high levels of public debt in these areas. These levels of public debt have already forced some blue cities in California into bankruptcy. There is a high concentration of very well educated people doing creative things; there is also a high concentration of criminals and the urban poor, both groups (and let's not pretend that there isn't a good deal of overlap there) living primarily off the wealth produced by the aforementioned highly educated people doing creative things. Obviously, the centers of finance and corporate headquarters are centered in these areas, as are the federal bureaucracies and so forth.
It is obvious that both new nations would have something to offer the other, assuming trade agreements could be made. Red-land would allow overland shipping through our flyover shitholes to continue. Blue-istan would need food, energy, and other resources that Red-land has in spades. Red-land, for its part, would probably continue to want iPods and Hollywood films. Banks and other financial services might continue to be headquartered in Blue-istan, too, although I would guess that Red-land would eventually develop its own such centers.
Blue-istan, having lost most of the military to Red-land (assuming most soldiers would side primarily with their home states, which in most cases is where their families are) and having little tradition of soldiering, would have little means of defense. Having relatively large numbers of welfare recipients who are accustomed to relatively generous benefits, urbanized Blue-istan would likely be forced to tax the wealthy elites at increasingly high rates, along with corporate profits and capital gains. Or perhaps joining the military could be a new form of workfare.
Meanwhile, one assumes that since the denizens of Red-land favor low taxes and less business regulation (in general), those conditions would hold, even as Blue-istan increased regulations (such as environmental regulations) along with taxes. Let's assume that most wealthy Blue individuals would be patriotic enough to Blue-istan and true enough to their espoused ideals that they wouldn't flee to lower tax areas; we still can't assume that they wouldn't move their wealth to lower tax Red-land since we see this happen all the time (even Bono, in turns out, moves his no doubt vast wealth to lower-tax areas). Corporations and banks, on the other hand, typically feel no such patriotism and would be likely to relocate so long as they felt assured that Red-land was basically stable. So, some of that particular balance of power would be likely to shift, but perhaps not all.
And Blue-istan's bureaucrats, you ask? At the federal level, you could expect some of them to become unemployed, since the federal departments they work for would have fewer states to regulate to the pain. You can probably also expect that the FBI, CIA, and State Department--not to mention the Homeland Security fuckwits--would continue with their plan to reduce liberty on earth to undetectable quantities, especially now that those Rethuglican terrorists were their own country. Meanwhile, the EPA and FDA and other such agencies would likely continue to regulate in their fashion, making it difficult to do business in Blue-istan.
Which would likely result in yet more businesses moving to Red-land.
And on it would go.
Look, Blue Man Group, I know you think that because you have high concentrations of wealth and people currently, that this is stupid on the part of the Red Herrings. However, you also have a very high concentration of persistent problems and little in the way of necessary resources. The recent hurricane Sandy has thrown into alarmingly sharp relief just how fragile your environment is and how poor your survival skills are. I had always thought that the ability to harness the power of fire was one of the primary things that made us human, as opposed to just another species of primate, but apparently many New Yorkers have forgotten that primitive skill and would rather bitch until someone brings them a blanket.
THIS IS CERTAINLY REASSURING: Supposedly libertarian legal site believes that a state only has the right to secede if the other states agree to it. If I'm consenting to be governed, professor, then I can fucking well withdraw that consent. We are a country born in revolution, in a desire to be free of tyranny. If a sufficient number of a state's residents have decided that they want to be free of the tyranny of the ever-expanding federal government, I certainly support them in their quest. Professor Volokh may--or may not--be correct that more states benefit from the union than not, but a) I suspect a lot of people thought that about the USSR, too; b) I think this exhibits a distinct failure of imagination (what does, say, Texas really gain from the union that it could not do itself? What does Texas offer the union, such as a vast natural resources, that the union would probably still be happy to trade with Texas for?), and c) that ought not be anyone's decision to make except Texans'. Self-determination and all that. I love the commenters, though, who assume there would be a massive brain drain of people emigrating from Texas. Because Republicans are obviously TEH STOOPID. Also, Republicans obviously will agree to pay no taxes whatsoever, so Texas will necessarily go broke quickly.
I left comments there, then I remembered that arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still a fucking retard. So, I stopped.
I left comments there, then I remembered that arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still a fucking retard. So, I stopped.
MORE GREAT NEWS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: This smart diplomacy bullshit is working out great from a reality television/tragic human death toll standpoint. Pass the popcorn and let's watch the Israelis blow shit up! It will be like Mythbusters, except without ballistics gel.
SWEET, SWEET JUSTICE: Union demands put union workers out of work. Would happen to the teachers if they were private and will likely happen to the UAW in time--if we ever again have a president with balls. Big 'if' there.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
WHY NOT?: This does not bode well, but it's not like it's out of the blue. America's foreign policy these past few years does not seem to be very reassuring to the Israelis. Can't imagine why.
NOM NOM NOM: You know what really keeps me up at night? After FOUR MOAR YEARS of this wandering further down the road to complete economic collapse--after the higher taxes, spending cuts, and mounting regulations drive more businesses and out, increasing the unemployment rate and decreasing the tax base--Paul motherfucking Krugman or some such jackanapes will drop a steaming turd in the NYT about how obviously the problem is those Republicans and their hostage taking. The hostage they are taking, by the way, is their refusal to literally sign your firstborn over to the government for purposes of paying down the debt. The Republicans mainly just want to sell off your children's labor, but you get to keep the kids with you. I say this not because I am a Republican--I am most assuredly not--but because the left, especially the left that dominates the media (and I include here that milquetoast of all milquetoasts, Mr. New Civility himself, David Brooks) seems to have an absolute inability to see beyond their ideology, to recognize what's going on and where their policies lead. No matter how piss-poor California is doing because of these fabulous blue policies--or Chicago or New York or any deep blue place--they want MOAR of the same shit that got them there in the first place. Moar unions! Moar pensions! Moar welfare! Moar free birth control! MOAR MOAR MOAR! They can't apparently conceive of being wrong, regardless of what evidence reality throws in their faces, and they will keep wanting MOAR until it's all gone. One thinks of Cthulhu, only these people have better stylists.
Or maybe aliens will invade and Krugman will finally have his wet dream come true.
Or maybe aliens will invade and Krugman will finally have his wet dream come true.
LET'S GET IT ON: Talking about secession gets me so hot. I wish Marvin Gaye had sung a song about seceding from the Union. I suspect he was inclined to vote Big Blue, but I try not to let that sour the mood.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
MMMM, DELICIOUS PIGGIES: And they will squeal because it is always only other people--someone richer than oneself--who needs higher taxes, because that person is clearly a greedy fuck, while these good blue people are so totally not. It's Republicans who are greedy fucks and should pay more. And, as a corollary, poor people only matter if they are urban and "of color."
I WISH THEY ALL COULD BE CALIFORNIA: I'm sure this is somehow all the fault of those darned Republican obstructionists.
MWAHAHAHA: I wonder how much fucking carbon will be released when the entire state of California implodes? I'm guessing a lot, but I am by no means an expert in state implosions.
JIHAD: If tourism is the main reason that your shithole country is even still on the map, you should probably go ahead and tear down the tourist attractions. Because nobody's gonna come to see your fucking camels.
Monday, November 12, 2012
THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I'VE HEARD IN WEEKS. In case you hadn't noticed, this is a doom-based blog. I'm just suprised Wyoming doesn't have one of these petitions yet, since they've already been making backup plans just in case the US decides it doesn't want Wyoming's high employment rate and natural resources anymore.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Gee, this is a shock. I mean, I'm floored. It doesn't matter, since the vast majority of gays will continue to vote Democrat, regardless of how often this happens, proving once again they are cheap dates. Sure, honey, I'll call you tomorrow.
WELL, THAT SUCKS: If this was predicted to happen in my lifetime, I would be really worried. No, wait. If climate change models had any fucking scientific validity at all and/or if climate change was something we lowly humans could control, I might be concerned. I mean, fuck the polar bears; coffee is important.
CAN'T MISS TV: I had heard the Swiss military was gearing up for the impending collapse of Europe. I can't wait to see those guys in action.
SOCIAL JUSTICE AT LAST: If anyone should get creamed by the "unexpected" higher taxes, it's those blue-state fucks who voted for it.
Friday, November 9, 2012
A bunch of Hispanics in New Mexico ('sup vatos!) reportedly told pollsters that they would have liked to vote for Gary Johnson, because he was a good governor, but they didn't want to "waste their vote" so they voted Obama. What the fuck? That's the stupidest shit I've heard in at least 3 hours. This is America, vatos. If you don't vote for the winner, then you could be said to have wasted your vote, but the trick is, see, you don't know who the winner is going to be until after everyone's voted. Unless you are some kind of time-traveling cholos who already know who won. The point is: Voting for someone you actually think would be good at the job ISN'T FUCKING WASTING YOUR FUCKING VOTE. The only way to waste your vote is by voting for some incompetent, arrogant prick who is dead set on ruining the fucking country.
Why is there no caps lock on a Chromebook? Sometimes I get CAPSLOCKY.
Why is there no caps lock on a Chromebook? Sometimes I get CAPSLOCKY.
Clicked over to Breitbart today just for the hell of it, and the front page features these headlines:
'Tsunami' of Regulations Expected after Obama Reelection
Federal Workers Want Pay Raise
Obama Shuts Down 1.6M Acres to Oil Shale Development
I'm pretty sure if you anagram that, you get, "I hope you're already stocked up on candles and ammo, motherfuckers."
'Tsunami' of Regulations Expected after Obama Reelection
Federal Workers Want Pay Raise
Obama Shuts Down 1.6M Acres to Oil Shale Development
I'm pretty sure if you anagram that, you get, "I hope you're already stocked up on candles and ammo, motherfuckers."
Don't say you weren't warned. You'd think the CBO could have done this shit before the fucking election, because I'm pretty sure "asking the rich to pay a little bit more" is a tiny fucking tweak. But you bought that line, America, so now there's going to be payment due.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Nice blogger man
Ann Althouse's son is celebrating the gay marriage victories today, and firmest-rumped blogger Coketown responds:
I'm not gay at all, but if I was a man, I would turn gay for Coketown.
As a practicing homosexual, I feel I have perfect authority here.Your son comes off, here and elsewhere, as a self-centered prick. Sorry. It's true. But that's what this election was about, right? Selfishness? Dicing up the electorate into neat voting blocs and inquiring: "What can I do for YOU?" It was quite sickening--a campaign narrowing its focus to every conceivable minority and quietly explaining to them how their vote is their best shot at Revenge. Every minority enjoyed a quiet lecture on how the broader population of their country hates them, but vote for me, Barack, and I'll circumvent them to get you some goodies. Single women--tired of being stigmatized? NO MORE! It's abortions all the way down. Black people--life stinks, eh? Affluent people aren't paying their Fair Share, eh? Let's wring it from their hands. Homosexuals--I know I ignored you last time, but DADT, etc. People are coming around at the state level, but if we want Progress, we need to start legislating.The hard sell for conservatism is that it's a hard sell. The shiny object you pay for later is an easier sell than saying we need to stop charging shiny objects and start paying for the ones accruing interest.See? Boring. What's in it for me? What will the government give ME?Will all that's going on in the world--our fiscal insolvency, another round of foreclosures (it's coming. I'm in the industry. People are terrified), a foreign policy in shambles, a disastrous healthcare law, stagnant economy, exploding student debt--your son decides his Prime Concern for 2012 was fucking gay marriage?Gay. Fucking. Marriage.First, let's dispense with the absurd idea that gays even want to get married. They don't. They think they should want to, but don't. In states and countries it's legal, their participation rate is far, far below that of straights. But their divorce rate is astronomically higher. I read an amusing story about the first lesbian couple to get married in New York is already divorced. Hmm. They seem to want to get married but not to stay married.Meanwhile, the gay 'community' is rotten to the core. HIV rates among the young are higher now than at any point during the AIDS epidemic. Drug abuse is rampant. Depression and suicide is prevalent. These are systemic, chronic problems that were entirely ignored in favor of gay marriage. Some fucking priorities!So, yeah, sorry if I don't run out and find someone to enjoy a celebratory hump with over the fact that, what? What exactly? Some states are letting gays get married when they a) won't and b) will get divorced? And Obama alluded to finally having reached the last stage in his "evolution" of understanding marriage?Stupid.Next election, my primary voting concern will be the quality of my gardening soil. Who will help with drainage? And adding organic matter? That's all I care about. Fuck you. And you. And you. Fuck you all. I'm in the minority. Fuck you.
I'm not gay at all, but if I was a man, I would turn gay for Coketown.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Math is hard, dude
I tend to think that Romney, the poor sucker, dodged a bullet here. I'm sure Obama will try to blame the next four years on him, since the Bush thing is wearing a bit thin, but why on earth would any fucking fool want to be president right now? This ship is going down, and you don't want to be the captain who lets the women and children go first while you gallantly tinker with your joystick.
Entitlements and interest are already bigger than revenue, and it's only going to get worse now. But so long as the minorities didn't get their feelings hurt and the nation's vaginas can sleep happy tonight, it's all good.
Entitlements and interest are already bigger than revenue, and it's only going to get worse now. But so long as the minorities didn't get their feelings hurt and the nation's vaginas can sleep happy tonight, it's all good.
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