LOW SELF-ESTEEM: Reading through the comments here, I am struck by how fucking pathetic these guys are. Apparently they are going to structure their entire lives around the fear that a woman will hurt them (naturally, it is implied that she will hurt them for reasons entirely out of their hands--she is a lying bitch, manipulative, a victim of a postmodern feminist false consciousness, whatever. Two-thirds or thereabouts of divorces are filed by women; this does not mean that two-thirds of married men have done nothing whatsoever wrong. I do tend to agree that women are more likely than men to get dissatisfied for stupid-ass reasons, but men are not always the angels these guys seem to think they are).
And, sorry, Dr. Helen, but you do allow plenty of misogyny in your comments threads. It's one thing to say that some women are lying bitches; it's another to say outright (as several of your commenters have) that all women are liars, probable adulterers, lacking in intelligence and moral fiber, and so forth. Some women are undoubtedly all of the above. So, interestingly, are some men. But some of us, at least, are not. I can't really think what else you would call the statement "all women are lying bitches" other than misogyny? That's pretty much the definition right there.
Then again, you appear to be married to a man who accepts this stupid "alpha" and "game" bullshit, so I am guessing that YMMV.
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